Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Noynoy Tops Survey for May 2010 elections: SWS

Noynoy tops survey according to Social Weather Station (SWS). Noynoy Aquino, the son of the late senator Benigno Aquino and late President Cory Aquino still tops the survey with 59%, ahead by some points to presidential aspirant Manny Villar of Nationalista Party with 45%, and former President Erap Estrada with 18%.

Senator Chiz Escudero backout of the presidential race after sensing that the Nationalist People's Coalition will endorse DND Secretary Gilbert Teodoro, a Danding Cojuangco nephew. Blood is thicker than water. The nephew is thicker than the godson.

Senator Noynoy Aquino of the Liberal Party catapulted to presidential candidate after the massive show of sympathy and support of the people during and after the burial of his mother President Cory Aquino. Public opinion in favor of Noynoy led Senator Mar Roxas who had already announced his presidential bid give way to Noynoy and became the vice-presidential bet of the LP.

Critics of Noynoy, among media practitioners and people who favors the other presidential candidates said that Noynoy is not like his father and mother. According to them, Noynoy just sits at the Senate doing nothing as a legislator.

Well critics are critical of course, because Noynoy carry the popularity of the Aquino family and the one to beat in the 2010 elections.

But the figures show (the survey results) that Noynoy is the popular choice of the people as of now, several months away from the May 10, 2010 national election.

But is the SWS survey credible? SWS led by Mahar Mangahas is a well respected and credible survey firm. How about Pulse Asia survey, who's leading or what it shows? Let's wait for their survey. What is your guess? Villar leading or Noynoy's lead going down?

For now, Noynoy tops survey for May 2010 election according to SWS.

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