Sunday, December 20, 2009

Taiwan Earthquake | Mayon volcano erupts

A major earthquake struck Taiwan on Saturday night, causing some injuries and damage in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan.

The 6.4-magnitude quake according to US Geological Survey, was centered off the eastern coast of Taiwan, about 15 miles (25 kilometers) from Hualien. It struck at a depth of about 30 miles (45 kilometers).

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did not immediately issue any warning.
Buildings shook in the capital for several seconds after the quake struck.

Taiwan local TV reported at least four people in the capital had minor injuries, most resulting from falling debris. According to reports, Taipei’s subways and the island’s high speed railroad was suspended.

Local TV stations also reported that windows were blown out in a Hualien hotel and that there was minor property damage in Taipei.

Earthquakes frequently occur in Taiwan but most are minor and cause little or no damage.
However, a 7.6-magnitude earthquake in central Taiwan in 1999 killed more than 2,300 people.

And in 2006 a 6.7-magnitude tremor south of Kaohsiung severed undersea cables and disrupted telephone and Internet service to millions throughout Asia.

Taiwan is in the Pacific Circle of Fire and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happens in the area. Mayon volcano in the Philippines is spewing lava and molten volcanic materials that affected thousands of people living in the vicinity of Mayon volcano in Albay.

Taiwan is an island north of the Philippines.

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