Thursday, August 27, 2009

Batman Arkham Asylum Walkthrough | Riddler's Riddle Tips

I hope this Batman Arkham Asylum Walkthrough | Riddler's Riddle tips, can help you solve the questions in this new popular game in town for Xbox 360 and PS.

Riddler’s riddle: “A puzzle has many sides but only some are visible

Sanatorium: A question can only be answered from a new perspective. Don’t you agree?
Enter the room, and you will notice that there is a breakable floor on the left-hand side. You will have to demolish it with gel, stand aside, and turn on the “Detective Mode.” The important bit of the question mark is on the hole’s side, while the dot can be found at the below floor.

TICK! TOCK! News flash! Someone is not getting out of here alive.
Be careful at the large room where you will free Dr. Young from the hands of Joker’s party people. Look for a cell decorated with lots of skulls on its lower level. The clue says that this has something to do with the Killer Croc.

Morgue: What silent killer of the oceans can be found in a tiny jar?
At the end of the autopsy table you will find a jar which contains body parts of a Great White Shark. Just zoom into the jar, and check out the label to see if it’s displayed.

Medical Foyer: Is the generosity of our benefactors on the Wayne?
At the opposite of the front doors there is a golden plaque which says that this medical unit has been funded by the Bruce Wayne Foundation for the Criminally Insane.

Map Area: Caves. Main Sewer Junction: A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible.
In “Detective Mode” the only symbol that you can see is the Riddler symbol. In order to scan it you will need the dot of the question mark that you will have to line up when you snap a shot of the it. If you don’t snap a shot of the dot then it will return “Solution unaligned” even if you’ll scan the Riddler symbol from all sides.

Map Area: Arkham Mansion. South Corridor: This fiendish puzzle literally appears out of thin air.
This is just only one of the hidden question marks of the Riddler. Attention these are not symbols. These are question marks and they are visible in “Detective Mode.” Most of them can be found and seen with ease in “Detective Mode” as its over a display case, and you will only need to grapple up to the duct’s opposite end and look down to see the dot.

What does a bird need in the rain?
It’s the Penguin’s umbrellas which can be found with ease in a display case.

Warden’s Office: Isn’t the Warden too old for a puppet show?
The answer is Scarface who can be found easily in a display case.

Main Hall: Who is the main man in the main hall?
Don’t not look at the statue as the answer is the plaque which honors Commissioner Gordon. The plaque can be found on the right-hand staircase.

Dr. Young’s Office: It’ll be a cold day in Hell when this Ghul rises again.
Look for a wall of body freezers in one of Dr. Young’s rooms. You will see one which is simply sticking out, then zoom in on the toe tag of Ra’s Al Ghul. Also if you are going to return here after you complete the task then he will be gone.

How do you mask your feelings without losing control?
Go into Dr. Young’s office and you will see a giant tribal mask, and that’s it.

Arkham Records Room: Our records show that a Strange transfer request was made in this room.
This is hidden behind an electronic barrier therefore you will need to use the Cryptographic Sequencer, the Power Amplifier upgrade, and the horizontal zipline. After you disable the barrier, you have to zipline over the electric floor, and there you’ll see the files of Hugo Strange. Zoom in on them, and just keep doing it until they’re accepted.

North Corridor: Did Amadeus go mad, or was he just dizzy?
Be careful when you look for a way to get into Dr. Young’s office, and you’ll definitely find this one too. Just crawl through the vents, go down into a tiny cell, and you’ll notice another cell near it which contains circular writing on the walls. Zoom in on the Amadeus Arkham insane scribblings.

East Wing Corridor: A game of Cat and mouse can be painful.

Tips from: Thanks a lot.

Watch the video demo:

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